New to the neighborhood?

Looking to connect with your neighbors? Interested in what’s going on in the City of Alexandria that affects the Brookville Seminary Valley community and beyond?

Membership with BSVCA gives YOU a voice within the community and only costs $15 (single), $10 (senior, older than 65 Y/O), $30 ( regular household), $20 (senior household) a year.

Benefits include four quarterly members-only meetings where BSVCA board members provide important updates on issues affecting our community. Additionally, leaders within the city government and the school system participate, which means these meetings are often the place where we make the greatest impact on behalf of our community. You don’t want to miss them!

Membership Information

Membership period: Current calendar year
No automatically recurring payments

Please contact  for membership questions or to cancel auto-renewal memberships.

Join the BSVCA!