New to the Neighborhood? Welcome!

Looking for contact information for a specific City related issue? We’ve attempted to compile a comprehensive list of everything you might need to know throughout the year, including City government activities, utility companies, schools, and more!

BSVCA Website Link

City of Alexandria Government

Looking for something in particular?


Police/Fire/Non-Emergency Crime Reporting Links

BSVCA Police Liaison is Sergeant Richard “Rich” Magnum, Alexandria City Police.
Email: / Phone number 703-746-6845

Local Elected Officials

West End Coalition

Purpose and Organization

The West End Coalition (“Coalition”) was formed in 2014 and is an organization designed to get the West End better organized and have more of an impact on developments affecting the West End. The Coalition is not a formal organization like, for example, the Alexandria Federation of Civic Associations. The West End Coalition does not take positions. Individual member organizations will take positions. The Coalition is a means to facilitate getting to know each other’s issues and being able to more easily form coalitions on matters of interest. It is also a vehicle to get updates and information affecting the West End out to everyone quickly and efficiently. The boundary of the Coalition shall be those areas within the City of Alexandria that are West of Quaker Lane or that are included within the membership of Coalition member organizations.

Only West End civic associations, condo associations, and homeowners associations (or associations performing similar functions), can join the Coalition. Each member organization has one main representative and can, if it so desires, appoint an alternate who would take the place of the main representative at meetings if the main representative cannot attend. Alternates will be copied on Coalition correspondence so they remain up to speed and alternates can attend meetings but are not entitled to vote when the main representative is in attendance. Attendance at meetings are limited to main representatives (and/or their alternates) and others can attend if, after a member vote, it is agreed we invite them (e.g. asking a City official or member of the community to make a presentation on a matter of interest). Each member organization has one vote. In order to have some control over the size of the organization and who we want to join the Coalition, Coalition members will agree at meetings on who we want to extend an invitation to join. Meetings are quarterly and future dates for meetings are agreed upon at the meetings. Any member can request a special meeting and any member can send calls for action and updates to the membership and/or to individual members.

List of Member Organizations

  1. Beauregard Heights Association
  2. Brookville Seminary Valley Civic Association
  3. Canterbury Square Condominiums
  4. Cameron Station Civic Association
  5. Fairlington Citizens Assn.
  6. Hollandtowne Town Homes Homeowners Association
  7. Holmes Run Park Committee
  8. Olympus Condominiums
  9. Parkside at Alexandria
  10. The Sentinel
  11. Seminary Heights Condo Association
  12. Seminary Hill Association
  13. Seminary Park Community Association
  14. Seminary Ridge Civic Association
  15. Seminary West Civic Association
  16. Stonegate Foundation
  17. Strawberry Hill Civic Association
  18. Summers Grove Homeowners Association
  19. Wakefield-Tarleton Civic Association
  20. Watergate at Landmark

Alexandria​ Federation of Civic Associations (AFCA)

The BSVCA is a member of the AFCA. The AFCA AFCA is City-wide in scope and non-partisan in nature. We provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among local neighborhood organizations and associations affecting all residents of the City. Topics of particular interest to AFCA members include City policies and procedures; residential and commercial development proposals and plans; environmental issues; transportation; education; open space; infrastructure; public safety; health services; and housing.

AFCA works to encourage a free, spirited, and continuing dialogue among community leaders, elected officials, and appointed representatives. A founding principle of the Federation is that civil discourse involving strong neighborhood and homeowners’ associations and others throughout the City, will foster a better Alexandria for all.